In Memoriam
Deborah Lynn "Newfy" Fowler
April 25, 1985 - February 2, 2011

This page is a compilation of the words and works written by the members of the IRC community Clever Pun in the memory of one of our own, a chatter known to us as Newfy Angel who was taken before her time. It is these words that we wish to leave for her and her family, for their support and in remembrance of the lives she'd touched online as well.

It was surprising, how hard it hit me, since I never knew you well; you'd hug and play with everyone and all I did was yell; I don't know what to say to you, there's not that much to tell; so where ever you went off to, I hope you give them hell.

“Deborah, forgetting will never happen, nor will filling the hole left by your absence. You were one of those people that made it seem like I knew you forever, and you made it impossible not to like, nay, love you. I hope that wherever you are now, you are happier than anyone can imagine. You will be forever missed sweet angel, love, Brad.”

“I didn't know you very well, only as a group of letters on the internet, but that doesn't mean I won't miss you any less, because you were still a friend. Goodbye, Deborah.”

“Per tōtam vītam, in omnibus facientibus, laudēs tuae in aeternam cantābō. avē atque valē, soror, numquam tē oblīvīscēmur.”

“Newfy san was always nice and level headed. She was and still is an important part of Cleverpun. We'll miss her!”

“Newfy Angel is with her own kind now.”

“Like most others from here, I didn't know Deborah well but she was always kind and ready to help. The world is a lesser place with her loss. My heart goes out to Deborah and her family in this terrible time.”

“I may not have known you long, but you were always cheerful,
You never spoke an ill word, and always brightened everyone's day,
Even when the chips were down, nothing seemed to break your spirit.
What matters most is the lives we touch and the memories we leave behind
I'm glad that despite the distance, I had the privilege of knowing you
And I was able to do something to make your life a little brighter as well.
Huggu, flops, muffin noms, and kitties
Just because you are gone Newf, does not mean you will be forgotten”

“I don't think my words could really truely express how much I miss you, I wish we could've had more time together, you were always kind and a joy to be around. Atleast now you're at peace and happy, you'll always be in my heart.”

“You were always willing to be there with a comforting hug and a willing ear to listen. I'm really going to miss you Newfy-chan. ;-;”

“As the owner of Clever Pun, I am proud to say that Newfy was an outstanding member of our community. Even while the rest of us got into squabbles and senseless name-calling at times over the silliest of reasons, Newfy was nothing but nice to everybody else; she never argued, she never slung mud, and she always had something insightful to add to our more civil conversations. It is not just a sad day to see someone as rare and kind as her to be taken from the world before her time, but it is an outright tragedy. We all miss her, and we will not let our memories of her fade away for as long as we live - and beyond that, to our greatest possible extent.”

Thank you for reading. Rest in peace, Deborah.